While skunks are rather harmless, they do create a rather pungent odor that can bring anyone to their knees coughing. Luckily with Organic Hogwash you no longer have to bathe in tomato sauce to get rid of the odor! Just a few pumps of Organic Hogwash and the odor will be completely eliminated naturally!
Since skunk spray consists of oils, depending on the severity and if the skunk is a proficient marksman you may have to reapply Organic Hogwash as needed to fully remove, eliminate, and neutralize the odor-causing enzymes.
You will not believe your nose or Organic Hogwash when you see that it completely eliminates skunk spray odor from clothes to pet fur. Now that Organic Hogwash is 3 times stronger thanks to our improved formula, this natural, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic odor neutralizing and eliminating air freshening spray will wash away that skunk smell with ease.
It's pretty unbelievable that a product can make the claim that it will get rid of skunk odor. However, here are two reviews from our customers!
Organic Hogwash's recommended product to eliminate that gnarly skunk stench and other odors you may find:
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